Monday, November 14, 2011

Basic Sausage Making Process

Sausage making can be broken down into 4 main steps:

  • Grinding the meat
  • Adding of spices and flavorings
  • Stuffing the casings
  • Storing
One thing we advocate is that you must keep your meat as cold as possible throughout the sausage making process. Before and after each step of the process refrigerate the meat and keep it as stiff as possible without actually freezing it. When grinding the meat, if you use warm or soft meat, it tends to be mashed through the grinding plates, turn mushy and lose all of the juice in the meat. You will also notice that once meat has been ground there is far more surface area for bacteria to develop, which is another good reason to keep it cold.

Grinding The Meat

Make sure that you cut your meat to fit the size of your grinder ‘funnel’. Then refrigerate the cubed meat. Get the grinder and dishes for the ground meat setup on your work surface. Take the meat out of the refrigerator and grind, working as quickly as possible. Cover the ground meat and return to the refrigerator or freezer, to chill down again.